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Rev. Debora Jackson, DMin

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Celebrating Girls

The United Nations declares October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child. The theme for 2020 is “My voice, our...

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Finding Hope in Healthy Bodies

Joyful Life Programs seeks to provide resources that will help you realize greater well being and a more joyful life....

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8 Weeks to a Better Marriage Launching Soon

All Girls Allowed is proud to announce the launch of our Joyful Life Programs, a platform of transformational online...

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Announcing Our New Partner - TeachRwanda

All Girls Allowed is proud to announce a new partnership with TeachRwanda, U.S.-based Rwandan INGO in the Shogwe...

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Announcing Our New Partner - Crater High School in Uganda

All Girls Allowed is proud to announce a new partnership with AsOne Africa Ministries, through which we will help to...

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Happy 10th Anniversary All Girls Allowed

On June 1, 2010, All Girls Allowed was established as a human rights organization dedicated to saving the lives of...

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