In Jesus' Name Simply Love Her
What We Do
In Jesus' name, we help vulnerable, at risk, and victimized girls and women become the masterpieces God created them to be. We achieve this mission through the development, delivery, and/or support of programs that Expose issues, Empower the vulnerable and victims to be free, and Celebrate girls and women around the globe and help them thrive.

We raise awareness of the causes and realities of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation and their harmful effects on the individuals involved and our society at large. We are dedicated to helping the general public learn how to help stop the violence, protect girls and women, and minister to and celebrate survivors. We challenge offenders to recognize their role in hurting others and seek assistance.

Rescue & Resource
Directly and through our partners, we rescue those unable to escape exploitation on their own and resource everyone with physical, mental, emotional, financial, legal and spiritual support to create immediate safety and hope for the future. We work to empower girls and women who are targets and victims to reclaim their freedom and step into their God-given identity as treasured, valued, and created for a good purpose.

We pursue, affirm and celebrate the unique God-given beauty, value, creativity and purpose of each girl and woman! Our partnerships provide recovery support and life skills training, and our online programs teach girls and women how to thrive as individuals, in marriage and family, and in relationships with God and others. We cheer and spur individuals on as they learn how to embrace the masterpiece God created each one to be.

Help Us Spread the Light
Want to get involved?
PRAY: Above all, pray for all those living under the oppression of modern slavery, sexual exploitation or sexual violence to become free and live in safety.
EDUCATE: Keep abreast of the issues and educate others. Raising awareness of the problem is the first step to abolishing it!
GIVE: Time or money to support the work of exposing, empowering, restoring and celebrating vulnerable girls and women around the world. Visit our Donate page to contribute.