Resources to live your best, joyful life

Lasting, deep-down joy

Jesus said, "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."  (John 10:10)

God designed us to live abundantly, pursuing our purpose, connected to Him, and in harmony with ourselves and others. Joyful Life Programs was developed to help!  We want people to thrive in every area of life! 

Wherever you are at in your journey, we have something for you. Our platform teaches practices and perspectives that help individuals become the joyful masterpieces God intended.

Cultivating a Joyful Life 

Joyful Life Programs is your portal to resources to live a joyful, abundant life. Our approach is a bit different!  We believe God has truth for every area of life - body and mind as well as spirit and soul.  With a holistic view, we offer high-quality original and curated content in 7 key areas with learning plans to help you partner with the Holy Spirit in learning and growing.  

Get started in one area and branch out as you like.  Joyful Life comprehensive content includes:


You will understand who God is, God's plan to forgive and save you through Jesus Christ, and how to live a Holy Life.

You will learn about God’s Holy Spirit who equips and enables you by giving spiritual gifts to do the work and will of God.

You will learn your purpose so that you can live, work, and serve in meaningful, life-giving ways.

You will learn about yourself so that you can affirm what enables, address what hinders, and realize a healthy and mature emotional life.

You will explore the threefold connection between God, others, and self so that you can thrive in committed, flourishing relationships that are healthy and whole.

You will understand what it means to take care of your time, talents, and treasures by learning godly principles of financial management.

You will learn how to honor your body as
the Temple of God and establish a healthy
rhythm of life: mind, body, and spirit.

Your Path Forward

Explore our platform on your own or start with our quick survey to get personalized recommendations in the area(s) most important to you!