Red and yellow, black and white, we are all precious in His sight
God created each one of us. The Psalmist expresses it best:
"For You shaped me, inside and out.
You knit me together in my mother’s womb long before I took my first breath.
I will offer You my grateful heart,
for I am Your unique creation,
filled with wonder and awe.
You have approached even the smallest details with excellence;
Your works are wonderful;
I carry this knowledge deep within my soul."
(Psalm 139:13-14, The Voice)
We treasure this truth. All Girls Allowed exists to shine the light of it into the dark places of the world, until every girl and women alive knows how precious she is to God and believes that her life matters. Women are daughters of the God the Almighty King, made in His image, designed by His hand, unique, creative beings, alive through His Spirit, pursued and saved by Jesus himself. This vision drives our work.
In Jesus' Name, Simply Love Her
We fulfill this mission through events, programs and partnerships that:
- Expose injustices and human rights violations against girls and women and exhort parents, churches, and communities to take action to win the fight against modern slavery and gender-based violence (GBV)
- Educate individuals, families, and communities about how to protect our girls and women and prevent trafficking and GBV
- Rescue and/or empower victims to escape unsafe situations and support protection centers that provide safety and healing while oppressors are being prosecuted
- Provide healing, support, and retraining to survivors
- Provide training and business opportunities for the poorest among us to rise above circumstances and customs (such as selling children into modern slavery or forced marriages) so they can support themselves and their families.
- Model what it means to celebrate girls and women and help them thrive! All Girls Allowed hosts an online curriculum that teaches practices and principles that lead to a joyful, abundant life.
"What God the Father considers to be pure and genuine religion is this: to take care of orphans [the homeless] and widows [the loveless] in their suffering and to keep oneself from being corrupted by the world." (James 1:27, Good News with amplification)
It's a Big Fight
After drug dealing, human trafficking is tied with the illegal arms industry as the second largest criminal industry in the world today, and it's the fastest growing.
57.6% of forced labor victims are young girls and women
99.4% of sex trafficking victims are young girls and women
13 Years Strong and Still Fighting
Since 2010, All Girls Allowed has been gaining ground in the fight against injustice and human rights violations against girls and women. We began by tackling the horrors created by the One Child policy in China, spreading the word, standing against forced abortions, supporting pregnant and victimized mothers and babies, and using various means to pressure the government to change the policy. In 2022, we shifted our focus to join the battle against human trafficking and sexual violence.
Winning the War...
Through our programs and partnerships, All Girls Allowed works alongside other excellent organizations in the fight to see every girl and woman alive feel valued and able to thrive in the world.
But organizations cannot win this war alone!
The best offense is a good defense! As individuals, parents, churches, and communities get educated, we prevent situations from occurring.
One federal task force assessed the solution to sex trafficking and exploitation as:
7% Law Enforcement
3% Non-profits
90% Individuals, parents, communities
Everyone has a part to play in stopping the problem.
Get Involved!
Are you interested in learning more? Do you want to be a part of the work that we are doing?