On June 1, 2010, All Girls Allowed was established as a human rights organization dedicated to saving the lives of mothers and their babies, especially girls, from the cruel enforcement practices of China’s “one child policy” which since 1978 had resulted in infanticide, murder, suicide, abandonment and human trafficking. Through education, persuasion, prayer, and legal defense and by forming partnerships with grassroots organizations in China and around the world, All Girls Allowed sought to:
- Reach out to parents to urge them not to commit “gendercide” by practicing selective abortion or killing their female newborns.
- Support abandoned children, the vast majority of whom were girls, by raising funds for orphanages.
- Reunite trafficked children with their families; and
- Educate the public, including the policy-makers, about the brutal and cruel methods used to enforce the 1978 one-child policy, praying for their change of hearts and minds, and providing legal defense to mothers who were facing or had undergone forced abortions or forced sterilization.
Through the concerted efforts of the All Girls Allowed team, millions of people worldwide learned of the horrors and injustice of the one child policy. Chief among our efforts were:
- The video “37 seconds,” demonstrating the extent of gendercide in China and encouraging viewers to engage in 37 seconds of silence in remembrance of the 37 million girls who had been killed through gendercide from the inception of the policy through 2012.
- Ling’s autobiography, A Heart for Freedom: The Remarkable Journey of A Young Dissident, Her Daring Escape, And Her Quest to Free China's Daughters, which chronicled her journey from early childhood, to student leadership in the Tienanmen Square protests in 1989, and harrowing escape to the United States.
- The Baby Shower Gift Program, which educated couples about the value of girls and provided them with a financial incentive to keep their baby girls.
- The Orphan Scholarship program, which was instituted to address the issue of approximately one million babies being abandoned in China, with most of them being healthy girls.
- An anti-trafficking website where more than 3,000 child profiles were posted.
- The implementation of Alpha International’s Marriage Course in China.
By the grace of God and the collaborative efforts of so many around the world, the Chinese government declared a relaxation of the One-Child Policy by November 2013. In October 2015, the government announced the end of the policy effective January 2016.
The work of our initial mission ended, but All Girls Allowed continues. Now we are excited in this, the start of our eleventh year, to bring life, value, and dignity to women, girls, and truly all people through our Joyful Life Programs, which will allow us to educate, empower, and help all realize a joyful life through Jesus Christ. And we will continue our commitment to international efforts to build schools and support projects that help people realize their full potential as masterpieces made in the image of God. We are overjoyed to celebrate our tenth year. We grateful to God for the grace that has allowed us to engage in this incredible, ongoing work. And we are delighted that you are a continuing partner with us for greater increase and impact.
Happy 10th Anniversary, All Girls Allowed!
Ling Chai, Founder and CEO
Debora Jackson, Director, Operations
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